Friday, December 12, 2014

HOW TO: Make Burlap Rosettes

HOW TO: Make Burlap Rosettes

STEP ONE: Take a strip of burlap. I used different sized ones. Cut some in half and leave others the full width. 

STEP TWO: Fold the burlap in half. Start rolling to create the middle of the flower. 

Creating the Center

Start Rolling

STEP THREE: Once you have the middle created- start rolling the fabric. Play around with this step. Keep it folded in half and roll or start letting it go loose. Try rolling it forwards- then another ones backwards. 

STEP FOUR: Use a hot glue gun to keep everything in place. 

STEP FIVE: Cut a piece of felt the size of the back of the flower. Hot glue it to the back to hold everything in place. 

 Play around with different colors of burlap. Try shorter strips of burlap, longer strips of burlap. 

Rolling Backwards


Pin your new rosettes onto a wreath

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